
The SDK allows interaction with various components of the Risk Protocol.


Install via npm:

not yet available


import { RiskContracts, Config } from 'riskSdk';

const rpc =
const privK =
  "your wallet private key";
const apiUrl = 

const config: Config = {
  apiUrl: apiUrl,
  serverProvider: {
    rpcUrl: rpc,
    privateKey: privK,
  network: {
    name: "sepolia",
    chainId: 11155111,
  tokenFactory: {
    address: "0xAbCdEf0123456789aBcDeF0123456789aBCdEf01",
  smartToken: {
    one: "0xAbCdEf0123456789aBcDeF0123456789aBCdEf01",
    two: "0xAbCdEf0123456789aBcDeF0123456789aBCdEf01",
  orchestrator: {
    address: "0xAbCdEf0123456789aBcDeF0123456789aBCdEf01",


Exposed methods on the SDK

Token Factory

  • getBaseToken(): returns the underlying token address

  • decimals(): returns the number of decimals of the underlying token

  • getSmartTokenAddress(index: number): Retrieves the SMART token address by index.

  • getRate(): Retrieves the current management fee rate

  • isFeeActive(): Checks if the management fee is active

  • calculateRollOverValue(): calculates post rebalance SMART token balance

  • updateUserLastRebalanceCount(owner: string): Updates the last rebalance count for a specific user.

  • setManagementFeeRate(rate: string): Sets a new management fee rate

  • setManagementFeeState(state: boolean): Activates or deactivates the management fee

  • setTreasuryWallet(wallet: string): Sets the address of the treasury wallet

  • calculateManagementFee(amount: string, isDefault: boolean, mgmtFee: number): Calculates the management fee based on the provided parameters

  • getTreasuryAddress(): Retrieves the current treasury wallet address

  • getRebalanceInterval(): Retrieves the interval between rebalances

  • getLastRebalanceTimestamp(): Returns the timestamp of the last rebalance

  • applyRebalance(owner: string): Applies a rebalance operation for the specified SMART token owner

  • verifyAndDecode(signature: string, encodedData: string): Verifies and decodes the provided signature and encoded data

  • setSignersAddress(address: string): Sets the address of the Rebalance signers

  • getSignersAddress(): Retrieves the address of the signers

  • getScheduledRebalances(): Gets the list of scheduled rebalances

  • getNextSequenceNumber(): Returns the next sequence number for rebalancing

  • getLastTimeStamp(): Retrieves the last timestamp for rebalance operations

  • getRebalanceNumber(): Returns the current rebalance number

  • getUserLastRebalanceCount(address: string): Retrieves the last rebalance count for a specific user

SMART token contract

  • balanceOf(address: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Retrieves the balance of a specific address for the selected contract (0 or 1)

  • unScaledbalanceOf(address: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Retrieves the unrebalanced balance of a specific address for the selected contract (0 or 1)

  • hasPendingRebalance(address: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Checks if there is a pending rebalance for the specified address in the selected contract

  • getTokenFactory(contract?: 0 | 1): Retrieves the token factory address for the selected contract

  • handlePendingRebalance(sender: string, recipient: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Handles a pending rebalance for both the sender and recipient for the selected contract

  • asset(contract?: 0 | 1): Retrieves the underlying token for the selected contract

  • convertToShares(amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Converts a specified amount to shares for the selected contract

  • convertToAssets(amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Converts a specified amount to assets for the selected contract

  • transfer(recipient: string, amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): transfers tokens to the specified recipient on the selected contract (0 or 1)

  • transferFrom(sender: string, recipient: string, amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Transfers tokens from the sender to the recipient on the selected contract

  • previewDeposit(amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Previews the deposit operation for the specified amount on the selected contract

  • deposit(amount: string, recipient: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Deposits underlying tokens into the recipient's account on the selected contract

  • depositWithNative(amount: string, recipient: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Deposits native underlying tokens into the protocol on the selected contract

  • depositWithExpiry(amount: string, recipient: string, expiryDate: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Deposits underlying tokens with an expiry date into the protocol on the selected contract

  • depositWithPermit(amount: string, recipient: string, deadline: number, v: number, r: string, s: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Deposits underlying tokens with a permit into the protocol on the selected contract

  • previewMint(amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Previews the mint operation for the specified amount on the selected contract

  • mint(amount: string, recipient: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Mints SMART tokens to the recipient's account on the selected contract

  • previewWithdraw(amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Previews the withdrawal operation for the specified amount on the selected contract

  • withdraw(amount: string, recipient: string, owner: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Withdraws underlying tokens from the protocol to the recipient on the selected contract

  • withdrawWithExpiry(amount: string, recipient: string, owner: string, expiryDate: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Withdraws tokens with an expiry date from the protocol to the recipient on the selected contract

  • previewRedeem(amount: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Previews the redeem operation for the specified amount on the selected contract

  • redeem(amount: string, recipient: string, owner: string, contract?: 0 | 1): Redeems tokens from the protocol to the recipient on the selected contract


  • executeScheduledRebalances(): Executes all scheduled rebalances in the system

  • addOperation(index: number, destination: string, data: string): Adds a new operation to the orchestrator at the specified index

  • removeOperation(index: number): Removes an operation from the orchestrator at the specified index

  • setOperationEnabled(index: number, destination: string, enabled: boolean): Enables or disables an operation at the specified index and destination

  • operationsSize(): Retrieves the total number of operations in the orchestrator

  • getTokenFactory(): Returns the token factory address

  • addBalancerPool(index: number, pool: string): Adds a Balancer pool to the orchestrator at the specified index

  • removeBalancerPool(index: number): Removes a Balancer pool from the orchestrator at the specified index

  • getBalancerPools(): Retrieves the list of Balancer pools associated with the orchestrator

Other methods

  • getGasInfo(): Retrieves current gas information, including gas limit, max priority fee per gas, and max fee per gas.

  • getBalancerPrices(chainId: number): Fetches and caches token prices from Balancer for the specified chain ID.

  • getBalancerPrice(tokenAddress: string, chainId: number): Retrieves the price of a specific token from the cached Balancer prices.

  • getNTVPrice(tokenIn: string, tokenOut: string, discount: number): Retrieves the NTV discounted price for a token pair, utilizing caching to reduce redundant API calls.

  • getMaxSlippage(classicSlippage: number, discountNTVSlippage: number): Calculates the maximum slippage between the classic slippage and the discounted NTV slippage.

Last updated